water falls
In the repertoire2025dance
A complex duet by two world-class dancers, as a commentary on the unresolved conflict between Taiwan and China. How do you talk about concepts such as home, people or nation, and about power, war and violence? Who writes history? And how do political systems affect our lives, actions and thoughts?
Dance, Co-Creation
Chou Shu-YiArtistic lead, Direction
Fang Yun LoDramaturgy
Chang Chu-ZhiStage design, Lighting design
Michele PiazziMusic
David Le ThaiTechnical lead, Sound design
Marius KirchProduction management
Polymer DMTEssen, DECoproduced with
HELLERAU European Centre for the ArtsDresden, DEPACT ZollvereinEssen, DEResearch partner
National Theater & Concert Hall NTCHTaipei, TWProject funding
Art Foundation NRWDüsseldorf, DEKulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen KdFSDresden, DENational Culture and Arts Foundation Taiwan Taipei, TWSupported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.Languages
Taiwanese Chinese, EnglishAvailable subtitles
English, GermanDuration
80 min.Age recommendation
Oct 31 2025
PREMIEREHELLERAU European Centre for the ArtsDresden, DEApr 15 2025